>Service and Support >SINEE Class >EM730-External braking resistor and FDT function
Sept 12, 2024
EM730-External braking resistor and FDT function

01 External braking resistor

During the operation of the frequency converter, if the speed of the controlled motor drops too fast and is in the braking state, or when the motor is in the power generation state (reverse rotation, being dragged, etc.), the regenerated electromotive force of the motor will be reversed by the frequency converter to the internal capacitance. Charging causes the voltage at both ends of the power module to pump up, which can easily cause the inverter to alarm and even damage the machine in severe cases. The inverter will internally suppress this state according to the load condition. When the braking performance or operating performance does not meet the requirements, an external braking resistor is required to achieve timely release of energy. The external braking resistor belongs to the energy consumption braking method, and all its energy will be dissipated in the power braking resistor.


External Braking resistor.png

Video demonstration: https://youtu.be/u_EhpuxCc1E

02 FDT (frequency arrival detection) function

The FDT (Frequency Arrival Detection) function is a common application in frequency converters.

The frequency converter detects changes in its own output frequency and outputs corresponding electrical signals to control the actions of photoelectric components, switching components, valve components, etc. on the equipment to achieve precise operation.


FDT functions.png

Video demonstration: https://youtu.be/oPLQKvYMn2c

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